Dog Ear + Alumni FM: Get a Few Ears on Your Stories
Exciting news from Dog Ear HQ: We have launched a partnership with Alumni FM to help schools and organizations design, build, and sustain podcasts.
Dog Ear Partner Dan Morrell has had an amazing experience running an award-winning podcast at Harvard, and the Dog Ear / Alumni FM collaboration brings together our background in editorial design and ideation and Alumni FM’s experience in podcast production and execution.
Like a good magazine feature article, we think podcasts offer an opportunity for deep engagement.
And often, those opportunities are rare. How many chances do you have to tell deep stories about your alumni? A podcast offers your alumni the kind of dimension and depth that you can typically only offer via a feature magazine profile. If you run, say, a quarterly magazine, how many feature profiles are you running a year? Maybe six or seven?
So podcasts not only provide deep engagement—they provide it on a larger scale.
They also offer a growing audience. Some 80 million people listen to podcasts each week—and that audience is growing by 20% every year. 37% of people in the U.S. listened to a podcast in the last month, says The Infinite Dial, and 24% listened to a podcast in the last week. (Turns out that whole “peak podcast” pronouncement was premature.)
So where to start? What goes into making a great podcast? And how can you break through the noise and connect with your alumni?
We’d be happy to chat with you and your team about the possibilities. Contact us at info@dogearconsultants to set up a time.